Taurus Full Moon

In this article you will find helpful information on how to work with Taurus Full Moon from Lisa Michaels, founder of Natural Rhythms and author of Create A Dynamic Year – A Sacred Timings Handbook.

“The earthy full moon in Taurus, with the sun in watery Scorpio, brings creation magic. This juicy, lusty combination of signs brings a connection to pleasure, beauty, and intimacy that expresses physically and emotionally. These two signs can unite in many different ways from tantric lovemaking to joining the power of the Water realm to magnetize your desires to fully come into physical form.” ~ Lisa Michaels

No matter how you choose to work with this powerful combination, they bring the ability to connect the watery feeling source with the physical realm. This creates a potent window to feel the fulfillment of your dreams anchoring solidly on the Earth.

Connect to the physical matter of your life and write down any areas that could use a fresh infusion of life force energy. Go through your list and journal with each area asking Taurus and Scorpio what that items needs for rejuvenation. Sometimes an area may simply need to be released instead of being infused. Do any needed release work.

If you want to see your desires come fully into form, this is a window of ceremonial opportunity to allow the magical creation forces of nature to powerfully assist you. Remember to give thanks and only energize what you choose to have come into form.

Manifest The Divine Feminine Way!

If you’d like to go deeper and get a list of both PERSONAL and BUSINESS action suggestions for Taurus Full Moon as well as all of the other new and full moons PLUS the eight most powerful seasonal points on the Wheel Of The Year, I invite you to purchase yourself a copy of Create A Dynamic Year – a Sacred Timings Handbook. This handbook will guide you step-by-step on how to live rhythmically and activate your Divine Feminine Manifesting Power and it is located directly below!

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham

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