Sun Enters Scorpio

In this article you will discover more about Scorpio by Lisa Michaels, founder of Natural Rhythms and author of Create A Dynamic Year – A Sacred Timings Handbook.

“The sun moves into Scorpio as the shadows grow longer each day and the nights lengthen. This deeply feeling Water sign knows how to traverse the terrain between shadow and light. This archetype helps us feel, understand, and embrace all parts of life, not just the pretty, light, and shiny parts.” ~ Lisa Michaels

In order to assist us in claiming our wholeness, Scorpio helps us face the shadowy aspects of earthly life, where we experience things that may be muddy or messy, and where we feel fear, frustration, sadness, anger, or hurt. Here, we learn to deal with the times when we are exposed to abandonment, loss, death, grief, depression, and the dark night of the soul. Destruction or release of the old happens hand-in-hand with creation and the bringing forth of a new energy. Only by acknowledging and being willing to let go of an old form can we enter the dark, quiet, gestational period required for our new creations to emerge.

Without the capacity to navigate in both the shadow and light, our inner resources may be too weak to handle the more challenging times of life. Scorpio helps us develop the inner tools we need to maintain our center when we are submerged in powerful feelings. During this window, allow Scorpio to show you any repressed feelings that may need to be felt in order for you to fully experience the magic of your new creations. Allow yourself to let go of anything you no longer need so you can embrace the new when it arrives.

Scorpio’s capacity to travel to the depths of emotional waters brings it into direct connection to Source. This provides one of its most valuable treasures, the ability to open fully on the inner planes to a direct link to the source of creation. From this inner place, Scorpio can teach you to follow your intuition and your sixth sense in order to create the magical life of your dreams. Scorpio reminds you that your ability to use the magic of Source comes only when you learn to embrace all feelings and all parts of existence.

Manifest The Divine Feminine Way!

If you’d like to go deeper and get a list of both PERSONAL and BUSINESS action suggestions for Sun Enters Scorpio as well as all of the other new and full moons PLUS the eight most powerful seasonal points on the Wheel Of The Year, I invite you to purchase yourself a copy of Create A Dynamic Year – a Sacred Timings Handbook. This handbook will guide you step-by-step on how to live rhythmically and activate your Divine Feminine Manifesting Power and it is located directly below!

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham

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silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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