
Sun Enters Leo

In this article you will discover more about the Sun entering Leo. An excerpt from  Create A Dynamic Year – A Sacred Timings Handbook.

“When the sun moves into Leo, it is time to activate your radiance, claim your place on the center stage of your life, and increase your leadership ability. Also now is the time to turn up your inner fire, increase your self-confidence, and fire up your zest for life.” ~ Lisa Michaels

Tune in this month to anything you need to do to expand your ability to be visible. Especially connect to any ways needed around your business or professional development. This is a fabulous time to polish your image in any area of life, from your business brochure to your personal or professional wardrobe.

Amp up your leadership ability. Ask yourself where you need to claim more leadership of your life, business, or finances. During this window focus on ways you can step up your leadership skills and capacity.

While the sun is in Leo, find time to celebrate your accomplishments. Develop the courage to follow your heart. Fine tune your presentation style and enliven your stage presence. Ask yourself how you can become more open-hearted, generous, creative, expansive, powerful, and outgoing. Follow your inner guidance.

Manifest The Divine Feminine Way!

If you’d like to go deeper and get a list of both PERSONAL and BUSINESS action suggestions for Sun Enters Leo as well as all of the other new and full moons PLUS the eight most powerful seasonal points on the Wheel Of The Year, I invite you to purchase yourself a copy of Create A Dynamic Year – a Sacred Timings Handbook. This handbook will guide you step-by-step on how to live rhythmically and activate your Divine Feminine Manifesting Power and it is located directly below!

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham

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silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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