Self-Love And Beauty Invocation And Ritual

Self- love and feeling beautiful is an inside job.

I have found that most women (including myself at times) are much more comfortable taking ownership of their inner beauty and attractiveness, but are very uncomfortable taking ownership of their outer beauty and attractiveness.  Most women are much more likely to notice and fixate on their perceived physical and character flaws rather than intentionally identify their physical beauty and attractive character traits.

What Is Self Love?

Self-love is a very common used term, but I feel the definition is elusive. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love also means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. I have found that most women have a default behavior – placing their needs low on the priority list and allowing their inner critic to run amuck.

Self-Love vs Self-Care

There’s a lot of information floating around on the internet about self-care (taking care of yourself), but I have found that self-care often gets confused with self-love (loving yourself). While acts of self-care can definitely be one of the ways that you love yourself, self-love itself is a different thing.

Self-love encompasses how you authentically feel about and view yourself.

For me, self-love means that I know who I am, I like who I am BE-ing, I like how I present myself, I invest time and money on things I enjoy and are important to me, and I prioritize myself and my needs.

Here’s a quick video where I talk about the difference between Self-Care and Self-Love 💜

Design Your Goddess Lifestyle Planner

You can claim a copy of the planner and workbook I talk about in the video by clicking here.

Self Care Activities

The following are self-care activities you can invest in that will help you get to know yourself better and over time, build a better relationship with yourself:

  • Bath And Spa Rituals
  • Body Movement
  • Meditation And Breath Work
  • Recognizing Your Accomplishments And Awesomeness
  • Journaling And Introspective Thinking
  • Art And Creativity
  • Gardening And Getting Out In Nature
  • Reading And Relaxing
  • Hobbies And Making Time For Activities You Love
  • Making YOU A Priority In Any Way, Shape, Or Form
  • Designing Your Goddess Lifestyle Recipe™ – You can download my FREE Design Your Goddess Lifestyle Planner here.

Building New Empowering Beliefs

Building new empowering beliefs is a process. Our culture has taught us to put great emphasis on outer beauty when in truth – inner beauty is what really matters. Left to our own devices, most women will compare themselves to what they see on social media and in Hollywood and feel bad about themselves and their lives.

Comparison is the death of joy.

My personal belief and what I teach my students and private clients is to concentrate on being the most healthy and powerful version of YOU possible. I am 5′ tall, have curves and jiggly parts, so I’m never going to be a Victoria’s Secret model – and that is OKAY.. What I spend my time and energy on is working towards being the woman I desire to be.

I desire to be the woman who:

  • Goes after her dreams and desires with gusto!
  • Makes herself and her needs a priority.
  • Speaks her truth.
  • Ask for what she needs.
  • Eats well and leads a healthy lifestyle.
  • Loves courageously.
  • Heals courageously and continuously.
  • Shares her gifts openly with the world.
  • Is generous and kind.
  • Empowers other women.
  • Is always learning and growing.
  • Grows old gracefully and naturally.

Now it’s your turn, WHO do you desire to be?

Invest in YOU – time, money, energy and focus and then sit back and watch how you your self-love grows!

Self Love And Beauty Invocation And Ritual

I always like to add a sprinkle of magic into everything I do, so I’ve included an self love and beauty invocation and ritual below.

In order to create a new way of thinking and BE-ing, you must retrain your brain and then work on embodying the new belief. The process of embodiment requires daily and consistent practice. Please feel free to tweak the wording to your liking as it’s essential for you to FEEL that the words are true for you. Make time to do this invocation or a variation of it every morning as you get dressed for the day.

Gather your clothes, a piece of jewelry, a hairbrush and an scented oil or perfume that you love.

Stand in front of the mirror, gaze at yourself, and say out loud:

I love myself completely
beautiful inside and out…

Apply scented oil or perfume and say:

I am a goddess
by my divine nature…

Lovingly brush your hair and say:

I stoke my strong spirit
and powerful feminine fire…

Put on your clothes and say:

Cloaked in divine light and protection,
I’m luminous and shine brightly…

Add jewelry and say:

Enchantment is mine,
within and without…
And so it is.

Magical Blessings,

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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