November & Embracing Transition

I’m sitting here thinking about the month of November.

Depending on where you live in the world, November can be a brown, cold, and dreary month as the last bits of solar warmth disappear but I think it holds quiet beauty. Most of us are already planning the fast approaching holiday season (Yikes – it starts in like 2 weeks!), which can really preoccupy us and move our focus from the magic that is inherent all around us.

Magical living encourages us to take queues from nature, so I invite you to take notice of how fall begins to embrace winter’s chill observe the wildlife … stargaze … look at the beauty of a leafless tree; see their true form and shape … look at the fallen leaves scattered all across the ground in rich hues like gold, brown and burgundy… watch for trees and shrubs bearing winter berries and cones…

Think about collecting beautiful or interesting leaves, twigs, small branches and nuts to adorn your altar(s) or to make a wreath. If you have an outdoor fire pit, light a fire and wrap yourself up in a cozy blanket with a cup of hot chocolate or snifter of brandy and watch the flames dance in the crisp autumn night sky… don’t forget to think introspectively and set some intentions too.

Some Questions To Think Or Journal About:

  • Do I resist or embrace change?
  • Do I resist or embrace endings?
  • Do I have a hard time letting go or dealing with transition?
  • If I resist them … why? Is it fear of the unknown?
  • When did this fear begin? What triggered it?
  • What needs to shift in my thinking in order to better embrace change and transition?

My friend, I’d love for you to join me and put on your magical lenses and look at November as an interlude between the vibrant fall and the coming winter. November invites you to begin to release what no longer serves your highest good.

The hours of daylight are getting shorter, so you can put your focus on indoor work and if weather permits, outdoor magic.

Welcome the wonder of release and transition into your life…

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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