How To Make Vanilla Extract

Vanilla is a flavoring derived from orchids of the genus Vanilla, primarily from the Mexican species, flat-leaved vanilla. It has an intoxicating, sweet aroma and it’s my favorite flavor.

I do my best to eat foods that are simple and without unnecessary ingredients plus I do a fair amount of baking, so making vanilla extract makes sense for me to make my own. In addition, vanilla is used to energetically call in wonderful, high vibe things into your life too. Here are some correspondences for you:

Happy Home

Create a mixture with powdered vanilla and sugar and store it in a beautiful clear glass jar. Put it in your house near a window and it will attract happiness, peace and affection to the house.


Put the following ingredients together and let your love life shine like a diamond: Cloves, Rose petals, Vanilla, Sugar, Powdered orris root and ginger. Anoint red candles with cinnamon oil and roll them in the powder. When you feel that this extra love is needed light the candle and fly to the moon!

Business Luck

Feel like attracting customers in your store for extra income? Then take a piece of fluffy cotton and soak it in vanilla essential oil, sprinkle some cinnamon and optionally 3 drops of wintergreen essential oil. Place the cotton where you keep money in the shop and let the magic commence.

Lisa Marie’s DIY Vanilla Extract Recipe



  1. Put split vanilla beans in a sterilized wide mouthed glass jar. I use large wide mouth canning jars that I sterilize in my dishwasher. Cover vanilla beans with vodka and add a splash of brandy making sure that the vanilla beans are completely covered with the alcohol.
  2. Tightly close the jar with its lid.
  3. Store jar in a cool, dark place such as a cabinet or pantry for a minimum of two months. The longer you let it macerate, the stronger/better the extract. Some prefer to store it for up to one year before using but that’s completely up to you.
  4. When its done macerating, pour the vanilla extract into a large Pyrex measuring cup and divide into individual bottles using a funnel.

TIP #1: I always put a vanilla bean into each individual gift bottle. It helps to keep the extract potent and it looks pretty too!

TIP #2: You can continuously add more alcohol to the bottle as you use it. This is a gift that keeps on giving!

HOLIDAY GIFT IDEA: It’s best to have the vanilla beans soaking for 6-12 months. So no later than September I begin making vanilla extract to give out as gifts at the holidays. In mid December, I simply pour the vanilla extract in a pretty bottle, place a whole vanilla bean in the bottle and tie some evergreen cuttings and holiday embellishments to the neck of the bottle. It makes for a chic and useful gift.

Working with plants will heal and nourish you body, mind and spirit. If you’re new to herbalism, making DIY Vanilla Extract is a super simple way to get started, you cannot get it wrong!

To the magic of plants,

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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