Guest Article

Cultivate your Domestic Skills with Goddess Hestia by Romy Maillard

As you know I absolutely LOVE sharing the work and message of like-minded women who are stepping into their full goddess power by working through their fears and limiting beliefs – hey we really are ALL a work in progress!

My hope is that women everywhere will mirror what they see courageous, trailblazing women do and follow suit. My personal belief is that – if every woman showed up to their life as their most powerful and healthy version of them-self, this world could begin to shift in amazing and magical ways. You can call it my personal mission to start that ball rolling by living the example myself; out loud and unapologetic!

Romy is a woman on a soul journey… I spoke with Romy a few months ago and her Spirit Guides clearly communicated to me that she needed to birth her dream of publishing an online magazine for “Sensitive Souls” … and she did.
I’m beyond happy for her!

It is my honor to introduce you to beautiful, sensitive soul sister Romy. I hope you enjoy reading Romy’s article and getting to know her better my lovely …

Cultivate Your Domestic Skills With Goddess Hestia

Some seem better at creating a home that merits the label “home” than others. Some even claim that home is not important to them. I don’t agree, and I don’t quite believe them.

Having a place to call home is a desire and need that is deeply anchored in our psyche, something we require to thrive as human beings. And if you are a Super Sensitive Soul having a sacred space to retreat to, to relax, recharge and just be is mandatory. A space where you feel utterly safe, so you can let your shields down and put away your armor; where you can dream, cry, laugh, dance, sleep, love and play; where you can come back to you if you have strayed and gotten lost in the chaos of the outside world.

Sadly, reality often paints a different picture, making creating and cultivating a home another chore or prestigious to-do on our list, something to be accomplished, to be done right, leaving us frustrated, overwhelmed and slightly lacking, with more questions than answers; tolerating things in our environment that we don‘t love. The media dictate the trends and what we get to buy, leaving us with interiors that are cooky-cutter, with no real live and soul to them.

Tons of books instruct us on the abc‘s of decorating, the do‘s and dont’s, usually based on the outdated, impractical principles of creating a presentable space or on the one-sided approach of someone who has discovered their way and has the ambition to make that the “only” way.

Now, please don‘t get me wrong, I LOVE great decorating books and magazines as a source of inspiration; I buy and recommend them all the time. However, then I tune in to myself, my Inner Decorista, and we have a conversation. I bring my likes, dislikes and my value system to the table, and she offers her suggestions based on that. This is a process, an always evolving living project that includes lots of journaling, picture taking, idea collecting, a discerning eye and detachment to my own stuff.

Another important member of our little circle is the Greek Goddess Hestia, keeper of the sacred flame… goddess of the hearth. She is the one that infuses a home with life force, with warmth that comes from the heart, with that special vibe of well-being and welcoming. She is the true heart of the house, spreading compassion and serenity into every corner. In ancient times, our ancestors knew and cultivated this. There were priestesses that were dedicated to keeping the flame alive, in the homes, but also in the communities and the cities.
Sadly we have banned Hestia from our lives and our homes turning something once sacred into something mundane with rules and regulations. Yes, decorating a home is also a skill, but one I believe every woman has within her, because we all know in our core what we need, require and like. It‘s just hidden underneath the gunk and expectations of outside influences. Yes, it might need some practicing, some experimenting until we define “our way”, our style, but first and foremost it requires a willingness to do the work, the inner and outer. It requires our commitment to making our well-being a priority so that we in turn can offer well-being to those who enter our space. A space that is a reflection and extension of who we are. A space that nourishes us, supports us into growing into the next version of ourselves and uplifting the souls that cross our threshold.

Let the Goddess Hestia support you in your quest to create your unique sacred space, the one that makes your heart sing and your mind and body relax; she is patiently waiting in the shadows, ready to take her rightful place in the center of your home.
You can invoke her blessings by physically creating a space dedicated to her. This can be in the form of an altar, maybe with a statue or picture of her or just by placing and lighting a candle you dedicate to her on a side table or shelf, adding things that symbolize the qualities you want to cultivate in your home.

There is no right way of doing this, just do it. Go with what speaks to you and use what you already have. You can always change it around later, and you probably will. Important here is that you take your time to connect to her energy and to your own inner Decorista; that you start a dialogue. Treat it as an adventure, an experiment, a fun journey. To get you started I have created a Home-Value-Chart for you, with suggestions on how to use it. You can download it here. Blessed be.

Romy Maillard is the founder and publisher of the digital magazine and blog Diva Mystic Magazine, providing a rich buffet of Soulfood for Super Sensitive Souls. Her bi-monthly magazine, a collaboration of love with other Sensitives on living life the Sensitives’ way, is based on her own experience of cultivating the art of being an empath and her passion for all things beauty, magick and the feminine.

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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