GRIT Is A Quality You Need In Order To Be Successful In Life And Business

Looking back on my younger years, I have to admit… I was pretty weak – I got taken out of the “game of life” very easily.

I’ve always been sensitive, so in the past when my feelings got hurt – I quit.

As a spiritual person, I believed that things should just fall into place if they were meant to be, so if things became too hard – I quit.

I’m multi passionate person with serious shiny object syndrome, so when I got distracted – I quit and chased the new thing…


The great news is that I know first hand that GRIT is a muscle you can strengthen within yourself… and let me tell you something my friend – developing grit is a game changer! #winning

What Is Grit?

Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term and meaningful goals.

Grit is the ability to persist at something you feel passionate about and persevere when you face obstacles.

This kind of passion is not about intense emotions or infatuation, it’s about having focus, direction, and commitment. When you have this kind of passion, it’s much easier to stay committed to a task(s) that are challenging or boring.

Grit is also about perseverance. To persevere means to stick with it; to continue working diligently even after experiencing difficulty or failure.  I learned a bunch about grit in an audio book I listened to entitled, GRIT by Angela Duckworth – you can take a look at it here. 

I talk a little more about GRIT in this video entitled Grit Is A Quality You Need For Success In Life And Business.

How To Develop Grit

It boils down to mindset my dear.

First and foremost, in order to develop grit, you must be in touch with your feelings and be aware of the kind of thoughts you’re having and words you are using.

Your thoughts create your beliefs and your beliefs will dictate the amount of action you will or will not take.

Grit is the ability to push through resistance and perceived failures in order to be, do or have something you desire.

This applies for both life and business. My suggestion is to first define what grit means to you, then begin noticing when you give up or take the foot off the gas pedal when things are not going according to your plan. Next begin to push yourself to stick with things and work through the obstacles (this is where major resistance will kick in but keep at it!). Notice all of the small wins as you work towards your goal and keep moving in the direction of your desires and dreams. Staying focused on your goal and working through the obstacles is what will help you strengthen your grit muscle!

I admit that I’m not a huge fan of dealing with struggle and pushing… however I do adore the achievement and the way I feel when I actualize my desires!

I developed grit while building my online business. Just about everything I needed to do was outside my comfort zone; from learning how to work all the technology to getting comfortable with recording video. So, if I can do it, so can you my friend!

Magical Blessings,

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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