DIY Aromatherapy Bath Salts Recipe: A Spa Experience in Your Own Bathtub!

Living as close to and in harmony with nature is a pillar of living a vibrant and healthy Goddess Lifestyle. In this blog post, I’m going to show you just how easy it is to make your own DIY Bath Salts recipe!

A question? Are you tired of reading labels on bath products and wonder what those unpronounceable ingredients are? Most of them are very unhealthy for you, so why not make your own luxurious bath salts with just a few ingredients from your pantry? It’s not only fun but allows you to dive into the world of herbalism and aromatherapy right at home. Plus, it’s a treat to your skin and senses!

Not to mention, DIY projects always come with bragging rights. “Oh, this? Just a little something I whipped up,” you’ll say nonchalantly as your friends admire the beautiful jars of bath salts lining your bathroom shelf.

NOTE: I’ve intentionally taken all the guess work out of this DIY project by including Amazon quick links for most ingredients and supplies just in case you were wondering what I would use. As an Amazon Associate, if you purchase something using those affiliate links, I might make a small commission, but at zero cost to you. Please know that I would never recommend a product I didn’t use and love myself. Of course you can use your own intuition and choose the items you need for this recipe as well.

Shall we get started?!

Ingredients & Supplies – Get Ready to Mix!

Epsom Salt: 3 cups. Why? It helps in relaxing muscles and alleviating pain. Purchase on Amazon

Baking Soda: 2 cups. It softens water and leaves your skin feeling silky smooth. Purchase on Amazon

Sea Salt: 1 cup. This acts as a detoxifying agent. Purchase on Amazon

Essential Oils: Your choice! Lavender for relaxation, peppermint for rejuvenation, or eucalyptus for a refreshing spa-like feel. Purchase on Amazon

Food Coloring: To give those salts a pop of color! (But let’s keep the food coloring natural okay?) Purchase on Amazon

Large Mixing Bowl: This is where the magic happens. Glass bowls are my preference when making herbal recipes. Purchase on Amazon

Spoon or Stirring Utensil: For those who love doing things the old-fashioned way. Alternatively, you can use a lidded bowl if you’re a shake-it-up kind of person. My preference is a stainless steel utensil. Purchase on Amazon

The Mixing Magic – Let’s Get Started!

  1. Combine Your Base Ingredients: Pour your Epsom salt, baking soda, and table salt into the mixing bowl. Channel your Inner Sorceress as you mix them with your hand or a spoon, feeling the grains combine into a harmonious mixture.
  2. Add Some Color: Now, it’s time to make your salts as vibrant as your personality! Slowly drip in your chosen food coloring. Remember, a few drops go a long way! Want a soft, pastel shade? Go easy on the coloring. For a richer hue, add a few more drops. And if you’re feeling particularly artsy, mix and match the colors before adding to achieve a shade that’s uniquely you.
  3. Scent-sational: Here’s where the aromatherapy part kicks in. Slowly start adding the essential oils. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let your nose guide you. Aim for a robust scent, which will allow you to use less during bath time, ensuring your salts last longer.

Shake It Up Option: If you’re not in the mood to stir or just want to have a little fun, transfer your mixture into a bowl with a secure lid. Then, shake, shake, shake until everything’s perfectly blended!

Add Crystal Magic: I always add a clear crystal quartz to my jars of DIY Bath Salts Recipe. Crystal Quartz is an amplifier and will magnify the magic and energy of your creation.

Taking the Plunge – Time for a Bath!

Your homemade aromatherapy bath salts are now ready! Next time you’re feeling like a spa day, sprinkle some into your tub, slide in, and let the salts work their magic. They’ll detoxify, soothe your muscles, and provide a scent-sational experience.

The best part? You’ll always know exactly what’s touching your skin. Plus, these make for awesome gifts! So, the next time you’re looking for a thoughtful present, why not share a jar of your signature bath salts?

So, there you have it, friend! A simple, fun, and rewarding DIY project to elevate your bath time. Happy soaking!

Winks & Shimmies,

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HAVE YOU Designed YOUR Goddess Lifestyle RECIPE?

My friend, are you at a juncture in life and know that you are in need of change? You might not be completely sure of what that change looks like, but something feels… off.

Perhaps things in your life are “okay” but not really spectacular… and you most likely try to find gratitude around “okay” – but deep down inside, you’re longing to feel INSPIRED… BLISSFUL… and ALIVE.

I totally get it and I want that for you too. I have a fabulous workbook/planner that I created specifically to help you design YOUR version of a goddess lifestyle so you can feel lit up again!

(Just in case you were wondering – a goddess lifestyle is living a day to day life that gratifies your unique passions, desires and needs.

This fabulous workbook is a gift from me to you, so it’s FREE for you to download.

My Design Your Goddess Lifestyle Planner™ will help you:

  • Get you crystal clear on your desires and needs.
  • Identify what “things” have been missing from your life.
  • Unearth your hidden desires.
  • Activate your purpose.
  • Make your life juicer than you thought possible.
  • Inspire the shit out of you!