Sun Enters Aquarius

In this article you will discover more about Aquarius. An excerpt from  Create A Dynamic Year – A Sacred Timings Handbook.

“Ah, the fresh air of inspiration blows into your life as the sun moves into Aquarius. The sun in this expansive Air sign brings innovative ideas that can inspire and uplift your life. This sign opens to the full expanse of the Air realm by moving awareness out to the cosmic perspective of the sun, moon, and stars. As you stretch your point of view to this vast outlook, you can gain new ideas and insights to stimulate your life plan.” ~ Lisa Michaels

If you were working with the timings during the sun and new moon in Capricorn, you most likely created your solid plan for the year ahead. It is time to allow Aquarius to work its magic. The Sun in Aquarius will give you a big overview of your life and help you put more goals and dreams in writing.

Air functions in the mental realm and works with both sides of the brain. When you tap into the vast creativity of the right brain, you are able to access more ideas than you could ever use. The left-brain helps you choose which ideas you want to focus on to maximize your intention for creation. Aquarius encourages you to not only think outside the box, but to let go of the box completely and reach for the stars.

Allow this radical thinking, innovative genius energy to infuse your life plan with ideas that you simply haven’t thought of or considered before. One of those ideas has the potential to take your plans to the next level with a quantum leap. While Earth teaches you to take grounded solid steps toward your goals, Air shows you how to literally vibrate your dreams into being.

Manifest The Divine Feminine Way!

If you’d like to go deeper and get a list of both PERSONAL and BUSINESS action suggestions for Sun Enters Aquarius as well as all of the other new and full moons PLUS the eight most powerful seasonal points on the Wheel Of The Year, I invite you to purchase yourself a copy of Create A Dynamic Year – a Sacred Timings Handbook. This handbook will guide you step-by-step on how to live rhythmically and activate your Divine Feminine Manifesting Power and it is located directly below!

silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham

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silver-moon-divider Lisa Grantham


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